Monday, January 21, 2013

what else?

We went to see Zero Dark Thirty.  It was good.  And a little disturbing given the reality of all the events depicted.  It is worth seeing.

We also watched the latest Bourne movie, which was entertaining enough for a night in when the temps dropped below zero.

Also, I have been searching for a new yoga studio.  I attended a couple classes a Core Power -- one with Nicole, which was awesome.

more impromptu weekend stuff

I know I am behind.  Not this last weekend, but the one before, the kids and I headed to Burnsville to spend some time with the Myers kids.  We were all tired and crabby.  They were all sweet and lively :)

All of them were decked out in Packer shirts in prep for the game.  ...which I don't really want to talk about.  

We had a couple folks over for the game.  T made a terrific BBQ pork - and that was the highlight of the game.  

2013 Books

One of my goals this year is to read more.  In the past, I have kept a list of books read for a given year.  It might not help me read more books, but it does give me a sense of accomplishment :)

1.  In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson
 Great book.  I like Erik Larson's books.  Historical perspectives, but not boring.  I always learn something.
I guess one of my 2013 goals should be to blog regularly.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2013 Goals ...In Progress

It is already the 9th and I have yet to document my goals. Time is a funny thing that slips away faster than you think.

I figure starting is the hardest part, so here's my start:

1. Read more
  • Includes books and "smart" magazines, like The Atlantic and Harvard Business Review. I'm sure it will mean less TV too.

2. Try a tri

  • This requires me to learn to swim properly (or at least efficiently).  I'm trying to start once a week swim workouts, but may need to bump that up to 2x/week to start

3. Travel to a new place

  • Why not?  There is a lot of world, and I haven't seen it all.

4. Expand my yoga practice

  • I'm not exactly sure what this will mean.  I am searching for a new studio since Sigh closed.  I also recently signed up for the Digital 40 Days to Personal Revolution, which involves yoga and meditation.
5.  Volunteer

  • This is on my list every year.  At one time I wanted to find a specific cause or organization to support, but now I am content with spreading the volunteerism around to the causes/orgs in my community as time permits.  

6.  Have food adventures

  • This is vague by choice.  It includes trying new foods, recipes and restaurants AND could include investigating more local choices, like a CSA perhaps?


My hope is to have 13 for 2013....  Stay Tuned.


This lovely winter sun isn't warm enough for me to sit in the basement office without a blanket.

impromptu weekend

The weekend was filled with friends and fun, all on the spur of the moment.

Friday night we dined with Mike and Kristi (and their two boys) on smoked salmon, prime rib and other deliciousness. After, we went down to the local pond. Ice skating and bonfire! Great winter evening.

Saturday was normal - errands, cleaning, groceries. Then we trekked up to Maple Grove to watch the game at the Moran's. Nicole and Leo stopped by too, so it was a nice catch up. And there were cupcakes!!

Sunday was also a return to normalcy. It is great to get back to reality after the craziness of the holidays!  We met up with my sister for brunch at The Lowbrow.  They make a good brunch!  I had an Elvis breakfast sandwich -- bacon, pb, banana on toasted sourdough.  The bacon pancakes and jalapeno hash looked tasty too!

how fitting.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Eve 2012

Michael stayed for breakfast, then headed west.

We took the kids to Barnes & Noble so they could spend some gift card gifts.

I met up with Jane for lunch at Twin City Grill. MOA was nuts, but it was great to catch up with Jane.

T and I stayed in, had a great dinner and celebrated the new year with good beer and champagne. I even stayed awake almost to midnight.

The new year started well. Cold though. We made steak & eggs from the leftover steak. And I made pecan waffles in my new maker. The rest of the day was pretty lazy. I did some straightening up, organizing the Xmas decorations (which we took down on Sunday), laundry, reading (picked up "In the Garden of Beasts" by Erik Larson from the library).

T built a great fire to combat the cold. Jordy enjoyed it!




The rest of the weekend.

Friday. We spent the day with the kids. Haircuts. Harper and I watched Cinderella. After Sully's nap we headed to the local ice rink and skated for a bit. It has been a while since I have been on skates!

Saturday. Gym. Sledding. More play time.

Sunday. Church. I met up with my friend Jess for the Packer/Viking match up. Ugh. Then my cousin Michael stopped over on his way through town. We went to the Tap for a round and then called it a night.

Kids Christmas

We waited until Friday morning for our Christmas with the kids. They had fun opening gifts (yet again). We made cinnamon rolls and had a lazy morning.


WI Christmas #2

After celebrating the end of the world with friends on 12/21/2012, we headed to WI once again.

They had just gotten about a foot and a half of snow, so we were both looking forward to playing outside. We arrived Saturday evening with Jennie and the girls pulling in right behind us.

After dinner with the family, we headed out to meet up with some of T's buddies. I think they had fun.



Sunday we were up and out in the snow before too long. Lots of fun was had by all.



Sunday night the family played several rounds of Scratch. Super fun. Even though I am not that good at it.


Monday T and I decided to take Jordy to Hobb's woods for a bit of a hike. It was a great hike until Jordy went out onto the ice, took off running, and fell through. He got himself out quickly enough and then around like a nut in the snow until we got back to the car.


It was happy hour time when we got home. While we noshed and watched Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Santa paid a visit.


Santa brought super sweet custom mugs for most of us, T's fav new card game (phase 10), and great dog toys.


After dinner, we did family gifts. Then took a walk in the neighborhood to check out the luminaries.


More cards (scratch again) were played at night.

Jennie and the girls left early on Christmas Day. Some family came over for lunch. We ate well, drank good beer and played several games of Wii bowling. Fun stuff.

In the evening, we went to see Jack Reacher (which was horrible).

Wednesday we stopped at Rocky Rococco's on the way back to MN.